Welcome to  St. George  Orthodox Church Rohnert Park, CA

7311 College View Dr, Rohnert Park, CA 94928 

"Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God." - Romans 15:7

Here you will find general information about Orthodoxy and about who we are as a church. Our site is not only for the one seeking the roots and the continuity of the Christian faith, but also for the Orthodox Christian who lives this faith daily. You are at the perfect place to orient yourself and to learn and experience more!

After you become familiar with the information here, we encourage you to come visit! Come see and experience what the internet cannot capture – the living Church.


Matins: 8:00 AM

Divine Liturgy: 9:30 AM


Vespers: 5:30 PM

New Additions: Christ the Tree of Life Icon

Now Accepting Donations

This Christian Orthodox icon first appeared in the 15th century and depicts Christ as the "Tree of Life." The Holy Apostles, whom Christ commissioned, trained, and charged to preach the Gospel to the world are seated at the branches of the tree, stemming from Christ Himself, who is enthroned at the bifurcation point or center, as the Life and Source of everything around Him. The icon is a beautiful representation of the foundations of the true Orthodox faith which grounds us together in love, strength and unity.

We invite you to share in the blessing and honor loved ones by placing leaves on the Tree of Life: For the Good Health and/or For the Blessed Memory Of. To place your order of Gold ($3,000) or Silver leaves ($1,000) please contact Jiries Mogannam.

"I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without me you can do nothing."  - John 15:5

  Download a copy of the Divine Liturgy

divine liturgy arabic-english 2020-1st-complete.pdf

Arabic-English (Choir Copy)

This version includes both Arabic and English.


English Only 

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We welcome you to add or update your contact information to receive communications from our church on schedule of services, upcoming events and more. 

Church registration form English.pdf

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